Don't want to give up your favorite shoes? Bunion surgery might be your solution.

It was so warm in Southfield last weekend that it felt like early summer.  This, of course, lead people to wear warm weather clothing & shoes, with many a dress wearing lady sporting high heels.  I can't help but wonder how many people are suffering through the day while wearing an amazing strappy sandal or a sky-high heel, who, if they knew there was a solution, would jump at it.

Honestly, the only solution to painful bunions is surgery.  All the toe splits and padding in the world won't change the fact that this is a genetic, inheritable gradually progressive deformity.  Ladies: if your mother had bunions, you will too.  It's that simple.  And, likewise, if your mother had to undergo bunion surgery, it would benefit you immensely to consider scheduling a consultation with a bunion surgeon to see if you're a good candidate.

There are so many articles out there that are misleading women into thinking that bunions are soley caused by bad footwear choices.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  If you have a genetic predisposition toward developing bunions, you could wear flats and orthotics your entire life and still wind up with bunions.  It's sad, but it's true.  As I mentioned above, it pains me to see people waste money on 'bunion treatment' devices that try to pull your toe in line to where it should be- you can't "train" your bunion into submission, you can only prolong the inevitable.  The bone will continue to grow, and certain shoes (no doubt your favorites) will exacerbate the condition.  Before long, those nights out dancing in high heels become torture, and you have to resort to pulling off your shoes and wearing disposable flats or walking barefoot just to avoid the pain the bunion causes.

Here's what you need to know, summarized:

1. Bunions don't get better on their own

2. If your parents had/have bunions, you will likely have bunions

3. Over the counter/as seen on TV bunion treatments treat the symptom, not the cause

4. The only solution to painful, unsightly bunions is bunion surgery

5. Most bunion surgery is covered by insurance- contact us today for an examination and consultation to see if you're a candidate!  

6. Bunion surgery nowadays is less invasive, has minimal downtime, and beautiful results

7. The sooner you see a podiatrist to address bunions, the better your results

So what are you waiting for?  If your shoes are causing you pain because your bunion is protruding, call us at 248-355-4000 to schedule your exam & consultation!

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Michfoot Surgeons PC


7:30 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm


7:30 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-3:00 pm



