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Joint Pain

Joint Pain in Mason, OH, Lawrenceburg, IN, & Hebron, KY

What Causes Joint Pain?

You have more than 200 bones in your body, and most of these bones work with other bones to allow you to bend and move. The point where one bone connects to another is called a joint.

Within the joint, connective tissue cushions the bones from rubbing against one another. This tissue stretches when the joint bends. Joint pain happens when the joint becomes inflamed, stiffens, or begins to break down. Arthritis, the most common cause of joint pain, inflames the joint’s connective tissues. Osteoarthritis, caused by the deterioration of joint structures, typically arises due to age, injury, or improper joint use. Systemic arthritic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus also cause joint inflammation and pain.

Some other conditions that cause joint pain include:

  • Joint or bone infections
  • Tendinitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Bursitis
  • Sprains and other acute injuries

You can experience mild, moderate, or severe joint pain. It can come and go, or it might be an ongoing (chronic) problem.

How Is Joint Pain Diagnosed?

When you visit Elite Physical Medicine for joint pain, your experienced provider carries out a comprehensive exam to find the exact cause of your symptoms. This evaluation includes a review of your medical history and a discussion of your symptoms, diet, lifestyle, and other considerations.

During your exam, your provider will often assess your posture, reflexes, and muscle strength. They can order diagnostic imaging procedures, like X-rays, to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

How Is Joint Pain Treated?

When your provider has found the exact cause of your joint pain, they work with the other members of the Elite Physical Medicine team to design a customized, integrative treatment plan.

Depending on your unique circumstances, the team will recommend:

  • Joint injections
  • Nerve blocks
  • Innovative treatment
  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Massage therapy

Your treatment plan includes three phases. First, your provider seeks to provide fast pain relief. When your pain is under control, you begin the structural healing phase, including exercises and other treatments. The final stage is ongoing maintenance, which keeps you healthy and pain-free.

To end your struggles with debilitating joint pain, call Elite Physical Medicine today at (812) 445-5172, or request an appointment online.

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