Nerve Pain - Causes & Treatment Options

Nerve pain, or neuropathic pain as it's also often known, can bring about painful symptoms that can interfere with almost every aspect of your daily life. Nerve pain can affect your sleep, your mood, and your overall well-being. Although the condition is notoriously difficult to treat, your San Antonio, TX, pain doctor has at their disposal a number of successful pain management options. To explore these further you can get in contact with Dr. Prafulla Singh of Pain Specialty Consultants.

Common Causes

Pain, for most people, is a reaction to an event, such as stubbing your toe in the middle of the night. But for those who suffer from nerve pain, the pain can come suddenly without external influences. It can be a constant or intermittent pain that is also often accompanied by numbness.

Nerve disease is the common cause of nerve pain, although injury, infection, and the loss of a limb are also sometimes to blame. But in most cases, the condition is one that is typically chronic in nature and can worsen over time.

So it's important to seek help early from your San Antonio, TX, pain doctor if you suspect nerve pain is to blame for your pain symptoms.

Treatment and Pain Management

After diagnosing nerve pain your doctor can prescribe over-the-counter pain medication, either in pill form or topical. Antidepressants and anticonvulsants are also types of prescribed medication that have been shown to help manage nerve pain.

Physical therapy, as well as lifestyle changes, are also often part of any treatment plan.

For instances where nerve pain can be traced to a specific underlying problem, such as diabetes, for example, getting that condition under control can help alleviate nerve pain symptoms.

If you are experiencing pain that you can't attribute to a specific cause and are concerned about nerve pain and nerve disease, you can schedule a visit in San Antonio, TX, with Dr. Singh of Pain Specialty Consultants by dialing (210) 904-3851.

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