Common Causes of Neck Pain

How your pain management doctor in San Antonio, TX, can help with neck pain

Neck pain can dramatically impact your life, making it difficult to turn your head, drive, work, and perform daily tasks. Neck pain can be acute or chronic, coming on suddenly, or developing over time. Fortunately, your pain management doctor can help you feel better, so you can enjoy life again. Dr. Prafulla Singh at Pain Specialty Consultants in San Antonio, TX, provides a wide range of pain management services, including treatment of neck pain.

There are many factors which can cause neck pain including aging, body structure, posture, or injuries. Your pain management doctor will help determine the underlying cause of your neck pain. These are some of the most common reasons why you might experience neck pain:

Muscle strain, caused by extended periods of holding your head forward using a computer, being on a cell phone for a long time, or any other activity which causes you to incline your head.

Cervical spine and joint issues, caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or bone spur formation.

Nerve compression, caused by herniated disks, chronic poor posture, and other factors

Injuries, including vehicle accidents during which your neck is snapped around suddenly and uncontrollably, resulting in whiplash.

For mild neck pain, you can try some simple home remedies, including:

  • Applying ice or heat to your neck several times daily
  • Resting your neck for the first 24 hours after an injury
  • Taking over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Gently rotating your neck in all directions

For moderate to severe neck pain, it’s best to visit your pain management specialist. Your doctor may recommend:

Medications, which may include:

  • Muscle relaxant medications
  • Nerve pain medications
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Pain relief medications

Physical therapy, to regain flexibility and reduce pain

Steroid injections, to reduce swelling and pain

Surgery to correct nerve or spine problems

To read more detailed information about neck pain, please visit the Neck Pain section on the website by clicking here.

To learn more about the common causes of neck pain and how your pain management specialist can help you get relief, call Dr. Prafulla Singh at Pain Specialty Consultants in San Antonio, TX. You can reach him in the office by calling (210) 904-3851, so call today.

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