Effective Treatment Options for a Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve occurs when surrounding tissues, like bones, cartilage, muscles, or tendons, apply too much pressure to a nerve. Weakness, pain, tingling, and numbness may result from this pressure. Dr. Prafulla Singh at Pain Specialty Consultants in San Antonio, TX, recommends a visit to our office to treat a possible pinched nerve if you notice a body part falling asleep frequently or muscle weakness. You should also seek treatment if you experience pins and needles sensation or sharp, aching, burning pain. Dr. Singh determines therapeutic methods for a pinched nerve based on your condition's cause, location, and severity.

Effective Treatment Options for a Pinched Nerve 

A pinched nerve can develop from head to toe in the neck, shoulders, wrists, elbows, and lower back. Pinched nerves result from injuries, stress from repetitive movement, and arthritis. If the condition is acute, it may resolve with a massage or a chiropractic adjustment using a gentle hand manipulation technique. If a pinched nerve is more severe, Dr. Singh may recommend physical therapy and develop a long-term care plan to alleviate chronic pain. At our office, we believe in utilizing integrated medicine to help you achieve immediate relief and live your best life.

Pain is your body's way of alerting you that something is wrong, and you shouldn't neglect or overlook discomfort. If your pinched nerve isn't healing from at-home remedies like re-arranging your workstation, wearing a brace, stretching, or the rest, ice, compress, elevate (RICE) method, consult Dr. Prafulla Singh at Pain Specialty Consultants in San Antonio, TX, to avoid worsening symptoms. If Dr. Singh suspects you have a pinched nerve, he'll diagnose it via physical examination, and may request additional tests to confirm it's not the result of an underlying condition. For more information about the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a pinched nerve, call (210) 904-3851.

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