Finding Relief From Your Herniated Disc

Do you have joint pain in your lower back or legs? Does it worsen when you step out of bed in the morning? If you find yourself avoiding things you once loved because of your pain, Dr. Prafulla Singh at Pain Specialty Consultants in San Antonio, TX can create the best action plan for your unique needs. Discs serve a purpose as spinal cushions, which are the spaces between each of your spine's 26 bones, known as vertebrae. When discs slip or herniate, it can place uncomfortable pressure on your spinal cord, leading to numbness, tingling, and sharp-shooting pain that can negatively impact your daily life. When this happens, Dr. Singh will recommend chiropractic services.

Finding Relief From Your Herniated Disc

To diagnose a herniated disc, Dr. Singh checks your lumbar spine or neck for numbness or loss of feeling in the neck, arms, shoulders, or legs. He'll also test your muscle reflexes and strength by asking you to bend sideways, forward, and backward and examine your posture. As part of the examination, he'll also test your range of motion and ask you to lift your shoulders, elbows, and wrists while completing tasks. Dr. Singh may recommend over-the-counter medications, orthopedics, and physical therapy to help you find relief from your herniated disc. Treatment goals are to improve flexibility and function through stretching and non-invasive methods like chiropractic adjustments (spinal hand manipulation). At-home self-care remedies include rearranging your workstation, wearing a brace, stretching, or the rest, ice, compress, elevate (RICE) method.

Contact Us Today

Consult Dr. Prafulla Singh at Pain Specialty Consultants in San Antonio, TX to avoid worsening symptoms and find relief from a potential herniated disc. If at-home remedies aren't helping your herniated disc. A herniated disc is manageable without surgery. If Dr. Singh suspects you have a herniated disc, he'll diagnose it via physical examination, and may request additional tests such as x-rays to confirm it's not the result of an underlying condition. For more information about the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of a herniated disc, call (210) 904-3851.

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